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Like a Bridge Over Living Water - #49
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Communicating through the Living Water - #48
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Aligning with the Crystalline Template - #47
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Be in the Fullness of Time - #46
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Explore Being in Time - #45
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Moving into the Time Crystal - #44
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Feeling the Time Crystal - #43
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Stepping into Embodiment - #42
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Exploring the Fullness of Time - #41
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Learning the Language of the Universe - #40
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Opening to more Healing Energy - #39
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Opening to more Love - #38
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Rhythm of the Moment - #37
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Goddess of Transformation - #36
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Dancing with the Dolphin - #35
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The Autumnal Equinox - #34
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Evolutionary Empath - #33
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I  was given sacred knowledge in the form of three scrolls when I was studying with the Shaman in Peru 25 years ago.  The scrolls were in symbols so I traveled to Egypt and spent months in the temples to learn to read them.  They told the pathway through the DNA.  It is how the Ancients time traveled through the genetic coil.  I also began my studies of Continuum, the practice of exploring the physical body using movement internally.  After well over  10,0000 hours of deep meditation into the textures, patterns and rhythms of the body, I was able to go inside the DNA molecule and begin to explore.  After another 10,000 hours of deep exploration, I made the discovery.  


Since my degree is in Biochemistry with  studies in Genetics, Quantum Physics and Cosmology, I relate some science as a way of further understanding the Inner Spiral.



this is a short animation showing the spiraling structure of the DNA.  The first one minute shows the double strand as we normally see DNA represented, however, you will see the complexity as it forms a chromosome.  If you took a cross section of a chromosome it would appear as a geometric form like the Flower of Life.  


The inner coil of the Genetic Coil is what I have discovered as the Inner Spiral.  It is the force that is shaping the unfolding pattern of the DNA.  It is infinite in its imploding expression in the Non material realm just as the DNA of the physical world is infinite in its outward expression.  The genes that encode the proteins that we are made of, are only part of the DNA molecule.  And even at that, 51% of our DNA does not belong to our human biology.  There is a deeper intelligence that is becoming aware and activated as the fractal antennae within the coil.  The molecule itself is considered a crystal in science because of its regular and ordered bonds.  They have recently discovered that the geometrics make it a fractal antennae that increases complexity as life unfolds.  The fractal nature of the antennae also is capable of communicating with higher dimensions in the Universe and the Non Material Realm.


The Inner Spiral is calling those who know they carry sacred codes that they brought into this existence from a higher dimension.  It is through the calls that I guide you into the deeper alignment of the fractal antennae where these codes are activated to give you access to your inner knowing.  This is not something I tell you, this is what you will know for yourself of the part you play in bigger game. 


And this is an animation of the Inactive X chromosome which I often refer to.  This is how I discovered the Inner Spiral by going into the Inactive X (considered the Active X to be like a mother many times pregnant and giving birth.  After many years, the shape of the Inner Spiral is stretched out and lost its shape.  By innovating a pathway through the Inactive X I could find again the Inner Spiral as the Life-force of the Feminine.  This is what is being restored when I guide you into the spaces and textures I describe on the calls.


One of the most important things I want to convey is that I am actually inside the molecule, shapes, and spaces that I am describing.  If you allow yourself to follow and imagine feeling them for yourself you will begin to be sensate at a deeper level internally as it also awakens a deeper knowing.  


It is where Embodying is Awakening.


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